It represents Emak Group’s ethic values, which are recognized by the Company as its own value, pretending to be adopted, followed and fulfilled with by the stakeholders.
It promotes and prohibits particular conducts, evidencing the related penalties.
The Italian Law adopted some of the International Convention dispositions (Bruxelles 1995, Bruxelles 1997 and OCSE 1997) and following the scheme of the USA Sarbane-Oxley Act 2002 has introduces a law concerning the administrative/ criminal liability (G.Lgs 231/2001) of the companies, that prosecutes specific crimes committed in the companies’ interest and advantage.
The author of the crime must be a person with representative/management power inside the company, or an employee subject to the direction or to the control of the said person.
On 23rd February 2012, Tecomec Board of Direction adopted the organizational and management model (MOG 231).
Tecomec started the project in order to prevent disciplinary offences sets forth in Legislative Decree n. 231/01 through a detailed business analysis to all organisational levels, to ensure the highest level of diligence and reliability. The result has been a new corporate culture, a modern way of doing business, in accordance with the principle of ethics and transparency.
The Management and Control Organization Model is useful and fundamental to successfully face the international market competition, as point out values and rules for ethical and correct way of doing business. Tecomec has the intention to do business according to that laws and values and desires that all the partners respect them, so no excuse is valid for doing business in contrast to these values.
Reports for Tecomec S.r.l. Control Body
Application of the Code of Ethics and the Organisation, Management and Control System
A management procedure has been adopted for the reports received by the Control Body and suitable information channels have been set up so as to allow the notification of any reports on violations of the Code of Ethics and the Organisation, Management and Control System
Strada della Mirandola 11 42124
Reggio Emilia (RE)
With Legislative Decree No. 24/2023, Italy implemented Directive 2019/1937 concerning the protection of the authors of reports of crimes or irregularities that have come to their knowledge in the context of their employment relationship (so-called "Whistleblowing"), providing, under certain conditions, the obligation for private companies to activate internal reporting channels, which guarantee the confidentiality and identity of the whistleblower and protect him from any possible retaliatory action.
Emak S.p.A, already endowed with an Organisational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, has coordinated and adapted the reporting system already in use with the recent legislation, by implementing a reporting channel called the Whistleblowing platform which can be accessed by clicking on the following link Emak Group Whistleblowing to send to the Whistleblowing Manager of Emak S.p.A your reports.
Emak S.p.A believes that an adequate whistleblowing system can enable employees, customers and suppliers to send reports in a systematic and confidential manner, and to establish a protected and constant interaction and dialogue with its Whistleblowing Manager.